Singer lewloh, exudes kind living via his vocal artistry
“I feel hopeful when I dream,
Of the beautiful world that we,
Have the ability to build.
‘Cause I see snow and honey bees,
A population at peace,
As long as the revolution don’t come too late,
As long as losing everything isn’t what it takes,
It’ll never be too early to make a change.”
Singer lewloh Photo Credits: Joel Chua
For singer lewloh, 29, songwriting is a medium in which he delivers his life purpose - to embody the essence of vulnerability to inspire others to explore their own identity and purpose. Songwriting was his hobby turned job, where he encapsulates his emotions and expresses his artistry through an audio medium. During his teenage years, he discovered creative joy through writing poetry, and the way words could be manipulated to tell stories.
For the longest time, he had a big disconnect between his love for the animals, and his lifestyle, which eventually culminated in him embracing a vegan lifestyle for the animals. He is very optimistic about the future of veganism, promotes vegan restaurants and his choice vegan products on his social media which triggers curiosity amongst his followers on his lifestyle.
“I know that for many non-vegans, the premium price tag on most vegan alternatives can be a deterring factor. However, as the demand for vegan alternatives rise, through economies of scale, vegan products will become more affordable and accessible to the everyday consumer. So if you are reading this, and you can afford a vegan product you enjoy, vote for it by buying one for yourself and a friend!”
While he thinks that the idea of perfect veganism is not sustainable nor achievable, he will be the first in line to support each business owner who scales his effort with available resources, and is trying his best to veganise his brand.
Photo Credits: Joel Chua